Monday, August 10, 2009

Xelyna's Week in Lolita #10

Well folks, I finally reached double-digits in my little weekly blog:D

This week in lolita was exciting in that a lolita was featured on national TV in the USA- but sadly on the TV show "What Not To Wear". The episode hasn't been screened in my country yet, but from what I hear, the hosts of the show didn't understand lolita fashion at all, and called it both fetish and frumpy:/ Contradiction much? Sadly because of the name of the fashion, people jump to all sorts of conclusions... the very truth of the matter is that even in Japan, the home of lolita fashion, it is not considered fetish wear or to have any connotations of faux-pedophilia. It's an alternative fashion, the same as goth or punk. If only someone could change the name by deed-pole, we'd probably be a lot better off trying to explain it to people.

In personal news, I tried out a new sewing pattern this week! From the Handmade GosuRori book I tried a fully-shirred pattern with some cute fabric.

Because the top is all elastic, it can be adjusted for a lot of sizes!

I think I might make more with the same pattern, because it's simple and cute!


  1. That dress is beautiful! It's so simple and elegant. I've been dying to try out a pattern from some of those Lolita pattern books.

  2. That dress is adorable! You must be very good at sewing! I am trying to learn so that I can make my own Loli clothes, but not much luck so far. >.<

    I love your blog, by the way. <3


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